Could you imagine 10 years ago, that techs would become an essential part of our life?
Well, me too...
But if we go back in history, this wasn't always the case.
Here they are: WEB 1.0, WEB 2.0, WEB 3.0
All started from WEB 1.0. In order to save your time, I'll give the main characteristics of each one.
1) WEB 1.0. — 1990/91-1999
— Stative webpages mostly with the text, some links and in lesser degree — multimedia stuff —HTML
— The users weren't allow to edit pages, only THE CREATOR AND MODERATOR could do this.
— Search via hyperlinks and reading only on the websites themselves.
— Representatives: help files, some guest books, forums or chat rooms — the simplest ones.
2) WEB 2.0. — 1999-till now
—Dynamic webpages with text, links, and wider multimedia providings
— The users are allowed to edit pages
— Video hostings, social networks, audio hostings, blogs
— Internet platforms, softwares
— Possibility to read, download, edit, upload information
3) WEB 3.0. — now
— Pages, which are intergrating with the user, analyzing his behaviour and preferences and action in the Internet— targeted advertisement
— using one device to rule another one (smart house)
— the communication as "computer-computer" to make the search easier to the user
— the notes, made by users, are double-checked by moderaters to prevent misuderstandings and disinformation
I would say that it's pretty dope that we have this kind of tool in our life, but at the same time we are losing our interest in life as a human being, we don't want to think, cause someone have done instead of us.
I couldn't predict what will be the next... as well as I can't say that "Second life services" are exactly what we need.
It depends on from what corner you are looking. Living in virtual reality makes the real life useless. It's cool to meet people there and to learn from them, but we can do it in a real life as well.
But more and more people are afraid of talking in person, cause they lose their confedence and don't have a google search on hand.
The development of technologies is a revolution in world's community and a degradation of us as a human beings.
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