Technologies make our  daily life quite easier, then it has been ever before. 

We don't waste so much time to know exacly what we want.

But in the same time waste this valuable time on social networks and uninformative apps.

Not always, of course...

As I have a blog for those who are interested in learning language, I'll strive to use all the Internet possibilities to modernize our work here.

Google — one of the best resources, created by humanity.

At first, it was only "search engine" and it turned into "engine that rules the Internet and always improves itself"

There is a whole set of different tools, which can be used online and by several users at the same moment. 

Google Slides, Forms, Docs, Translator, Tables— we don't need to discover America again. 

Moreover, we may use it and for our personal purposes and as work system to teach English.

I didn't admit these tools for a long period.


I understood, that it's even better to monitor the students' work and see what exacly they have done. 

Definitely, I'll highlight such common ones as:

1. GOOGLE DOCSthe online version of Word, everyone from the domain has an access to it and can work with it. 

AS we have a kind of compicated situation in the world and we are to study at the distance learning, Google Docs is an excellent choice for working online.

2. GOOGLE TABLES the same as Excel, but could be updated every single second. It's really convinient to use for assessing the students so that they could see their marks and points themselves.

3. GOOGLE SLIDES— I do really love Power Point, but this version is better than offline one

There are more templates and it has extra tools to make your presentation more attractive to others. In addition, you may put in some tasks in there and the other could do it right here, right now without downloading it. 

4. GOOGLE FORMS — is one of the best app,Google's made. There you use all your imagination and create those tasks, which you want. And the greatest thing is that the students don't need anything except their devices. 

And they are most common ones. you are allowed to use as teacher all the specialties: Google My Maps, Google Earth Studio, Canvasall depend on what you are going to teach or to study. 

Let's try it on you. I've prepared a small test for you, how well you know the lyrics of the songs
Challenge yourself!


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